Hope for Change International


H4C, an opportunity for thee!
Jun 9, 2009
By: jsmith

Okay, now what is the first thing you see when you look at this picture.  This is not a trick question.  From some of the people you see SMILES!  Smiles, and they aren’t fake.  We drove hours and hours, and HOURS  to go to this village that is somewhere near the Kenya/Tanzania border.  There is […]

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The Joy of Water….
Jun 1, 2009
By: jsmith

In the USA each of us uses about 151 gallons of water per day.  In most East African countries most households use less than 5 gallons of water per day.  It’s a great joy to watch people who have at times walked five miles a day to get their water to  now have water available […]

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