Hope for Change International

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Whoa…those shots!
Jun 3, 2009
By: jsmith

Leo nakewenda kliniki = Today I went to the Doctor (Clinic) and got my shots for Africa.  My arm is sore = Mkono mlangu ni kidonda. I received my Yellow Fever, Typhoid and Hepatitis A shots.  Tomorrow I have to get my malaria medicine = Kesho nakwenda pokea dawa da malaria.  Other than the malaria […]

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You go..”Because it matters”
May 18, 2009
By: jsmith

Every time I get home from one of my trips to Africa (or Asia)  I unpack my suitcase, but I never put my knapsack (carryon) out of my sight.  After having done this enough times I realized that there must be some subconscious connection between me actually seeing that knapsack and knowing somewhere down the […]

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