Wow! It’s November already!!
As Thanksgiving Day approaches, all of us at Hope For Change International want to give thanks for all of you who have given your support and encouragement to us in our efforts to help erradicate the effects of poverty in the lives of those we are reaching out to. Without your support, students would not receive the education they need to break the cycle of poverty in their family, those in need of medical treatment would not have been able to receive the treatment they so desperately needed and villages would have gone without water for their daily survival. Thank you all so much!
Now, let’s go over what’s been going on. We’ll start with the most recent events and then travel in the “way back machine”.
Executive Director James Smith along with his wife and Indo-Asia Program Director Sarah Smith are just returning from extensive travel which included stops in India and Mokochung, Nagaland. They were able to visit H4C sponsored projects, including one of our sponsored schools.
Sarah Smith with students in Mokochung, Nagaland
In October, H4C sponsored a very succesful medical outreach in Sakila, Tanzania led by Vanessa Grimsland, wife of Assistant Director Paul Grimsland. More than 300 patients were treated with medical supplies from an organization called MedShare and medication provided by generous donations from many of you!
Vanessa Grimsland and Richard Gasper working with local staff in Sakila clinic.
Over the summer, Executive Director James Smith also traveled to Tanzania. There he was able to assess the ongoing projects including the medical conditions, well-drilling and school operations.
James Smith with Arusha school headmaster Nicanor Urassa.
Back in June we held our second annual June Birthday Bash. It was a very successfull evening thanks to all who came out and showed their support. Many local businesses donated items for our silent auction which helped raise money for student sponsorship program and the purchase of medical supplies for the October medical outreach. Our thanks to Dave’s Coffee & Wine House for letting us use their venue. We were treated to great music from the group Time Travels and music legends; Bob Halligan, Jr., Jerry Marotta and Tony Levin!! Thank you all so much.
From left to right: Tony Levin, Jerry Marotta, Bob Halligan, Jr. & Paul Grimsland
Time Travels!
We want to remind you that H4C International is a 501-C3 non-profit humanitarian organization and we would so appreciate your tax deductible gift to help us as we help others. We are facing many needs, including a shortfall in sponsors for students in our sponsorship program in the Philippines. Currently there are 48 students in the program who are without sponsors. If you would like to help in any way, please contact us.
Again, from all of us HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!