It’s a name for a girl
It’s also a thought that
Changed the world”
These are lyrics from a song by U2 that I thought were appropriate to start this blog.
I met Grace years ago when she was one of the college students in the sponsorship program. She always had a smile on her face and was a joy to be around. When I returned on a following trip, Grace was no longer there. When I asked about her I found out that she got pregnant and had to drop out of school. This was disappointing because she only had one year left.
Eventually we got back in contact with each other and last year she came to see me….with her beautiful daughter Miel….She told me that she was determined to finish her schooling even though it had been about 3 years since she dropped out. She kept apologizing to me for her “mistakes” and how she let me down….Stop! I said…..there’s nothing to apologize for, let’s just move forward……Grace…..
She had already enrolled on her own and I committed to her that I would personally help her finish. I am very happy to report that Grace is graduating with a degree in Science!
This week we took the opportunity to celebrate. I am so proud of her and I know her family is as well……Grace….it can change the world!