Now in my eleventh day here in Mokokchung, Nagaland I have switched “hats” to fulfill my assignments for Hope For Change International.
I will be evaluating the progress and needs of Nagaland Children’s Residential School (NCRS) located here in Mokokchung. The school, which was begun in 1996, launched a new program for young children when the school year began in February, 2012. Because of their desire to provide education and English literacy to the children of the town they have inaugurated a “Nursery Class” for two and three-year old children. Seven chosen ones make up the first class. These are privileged children because they are learning English at such a young age which will be their gateway to a vast array of educational/career opportunities as they mature. These children will also have access to a new and improved playground. After learning about the importance of playground games at https://playgroundpaintingideas.co.uk/boosting-creativity-through-innovative-playground-games/, we think all schools should invest in their school playgrounds..
My next blog will focus on some of the older children’s stories telling us just how important attending and “English School” is here in the Northeast of India.
Hope for Change International supporters make these dreams come true for the young people enrolled at NCRS. Thank you!