Last year was Regina’s first year in the Sponsorship Program. It was my first meeting with her that I wrote about (you can search the archives for the blog). She is finishing her 3rd year of high school and I’m happy to report she is doing great! What a joy for me to have her run and give me a big hug when I arrived at her home. Her aunt was proud to have me see her report card…which was very impressive.
Although she is still very shy, she is starting to blossom in so many ways. Thanks to her sponsor back in the U.S. we were able to again take her out and get some things she needed, including new black shoes for school and more school supplies. This time, instead of the girl who felt she didn’t deserve to receive anything, she was excited and we had a great time shopping and having dinner, along with the local staff here.
During our visit, we discovered that Regina does not have a birth certificate….no legal papers at all. She was born at home, and if you read her story you’ll know how she was abandoned to live with her aunt. This is a problem, especially since this coming school year is her 4th year and she will have to begin the application process for college, without her birth certificate she will not be able to apply. So, we discussed the situation with her aunt and she is willing to take her to the area where she was born and do the paper work to get her birth certificate. She was worried about the cost of travel and filing fees. We asked her how much it would take…..about $30…..we will take care of that!
This is just another confirmation on the importance of regular visits. Just sending money to help a child is not enough. It’s so important to build relationships with these children and their families, it’s what I’ve been doing for more than 20 years, and I’m more passionate about it now than ever.
But, of course, without Regina’s sponsor in the U.S. we would not be able to help her. I can’t stress enough the need and how important sponsorship is for these kids. Again, I ask you to consider becoming a sponsor and help another Regina Grace pursue her dreams!
Thanks for reading!