After the long flight from Newark International to Tokyo/Narita to Manila, Philippines….and…a delay in my pick up because I arrived at Terminal 3 not Terminal 1….I was greeted by this sign on my door….”Welcome Home”.
After more than 20 years of traveling to this place, it does feel like a second home and I honor the relationships that have been built over the years. I have watched children grow into adults. I have shared a lot of laughter and some tears. There have been times when I have questioned whether or not I should go. It’s not always easy to leave your comfort zone and it’s a sacrifice financially for us in Hope For Change because we all pay for our own trips. However, there is great reward in being part of bringing hope and change into someones life. Whether it’s sponsoring a student who would otherwise not be going to school, bringing medical care to an AIDS patient in Africa, supplying clean water to school children in Nagaland or just, as my wife would say, sharing the power of a smile, it’s all worth it.
I’m looking forward to the next few weeks here in the Philippines. I will keep you updated on the latest news from my second “home”.