We are in Kohima, the capital city of Nagaland, India. Our daily “program” has been packed with meeting old and new friends, seeing some of Nagaland’s natural beauty, and sharing ideas for future Hope for Change projects and trips.
Time is short on the computer tonight. However, here are some of the many photos taken during our trip along NH39 (National Highway).
This year’s Monsoon was heavy over all of South-Asia. We all know about the record-breaking flooding and uprooting of Pakistan’s population. Nagaland roads suffered major landslides as a result of the heavy downpour. “Diversion Roads” have been designated for road travel from one locality to another. Hopefully, road repair will be accomplished in a timely manner limiting excessive loss of commercial transport, etc…
Winter is coming and cold temps will affect the speed of the repair.
One last photo shows Patty and I with some of our Dimapur hosts at the Noone Village Lake.
Tomorrow morning we leave for the six hour road journey to Mokokchung; there we will tour the children’s residential school, assess the medical needs and water reservoir system needs of the compound, and visit our dear friends.
Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers and interest in our H4C travel. Sarah