A few days ago we went to the Taytay region of Manila to deliver relief goods to people who suffered during the major flooding from the multiple typhoons that hit the Philippines a few months ago. Believe it or not there are still some areas that are flooded even now. I was asked to be the one to present the items and share a few words of encouragement. I have to say I struggled with what to say to these people who had lost everything. What could I possibly say to them? I have a nice house in upstate NY, I drive a nice car that works and I have food in my refrigerator. I was honest with them about that, but I was able to tell them that back in the States we saw their plight on the news everyday. I wanted them to know that they were not alone in their suffering. Even though we could not relate to their loss, we could come and try to help ease their burden. It was a joy to watch them receive the items, that to us in the west may seem so minimal but to them is a huge blessing. Just 24 hours later we would hear of the devestating earthquake in Haiti. Here in this nation of the Philippines where they are no stranger to major tragedies, they were trying to find ways to help the people of Haiti. The hearts of people all over the world are hurting for the suffering Haitians. May we who have so much, do whatever we can to reach out and help those who have lost everything.