CHRISTIANA GIDEON – (Arusha, Tanzania) died from malaria Sept. 21, 2009. Christiana was a 4th grade student who was preparing for her national exams in one of the schools that we are helping sponsor in Tanzania.
She was excelling in her studies. Sadly, like over ten million others in developing nations she died from a disease that could have been prevented with the help of available medicines and proper care. The solution seems so simple -getting the medicines and medical care which are available to the “Christianas” of the world.
Urgency is often viewed through a negative lens particularly when it is presented within the backdrop of our hurry-up culture. In that sense, urgency can be a tyrant that robs us of our priorities and peace of mind. However, urgency that has direction and purpose is necessary to accomplish tasks that are of extreme and immediate importance.
I share Christiana’s story with you with the hope that more of you will embrace with us a sense of useful, purposeful and life-saving urgency.
Preventable = to keep from occurring; to avert; to hinder. Many things are beyond our control and understanding…others are not. They are PREVENTABLE. Join us in our efforts to prevent the preventable.
James R. Smith