Okay, now what is the first thing you see when you look at this picture. This is not a trick question. From some of the people you see SMILES! Smiles, and they aren’t fake. We drove hours and hours, and HOURS to go to this village that is somewhere near the Kenya/Tanzania border. There is NO WATER there. these people went MANY MILES out of there way to get water to cook rice for ME, the rice wasn’t cooked enough (not enough water) and they bought a bottle of Coke ( I REALLY don’t like Coca Cola.) You see, they give you their best, with joy! Honestly (no drama here.) I wasn’t really sure we were going to make it out of this place……the roads, bandits, vehicle breakdowns etc……We did, and so this is THEIR story. They NEED water. How hard is that? Maybe it will take $5,000. The village is Kia da Munge ( Sp?), and it is not on any map. I saw it, I sat with them, I laughed and listened to them. I grieved as I heard of their daily life…..the life of their children. You want real life. It’s not on SURVIROR, or AMERICAN IDOL, it’s right here.
Oh, BTW…NO ONE on staff at www.H4Cinternational.org draws any salary or financial gain from funds for Africa, Philippines, India, Nagaland. We pay our own way, or dear, dear friends help us. It’s, right now, 100% all funds for these people. No drama here, but EVERY DAY counts. To you we offer an opportunity. Join us in helping, and maybe come with us someday!
James R. Smith