Hope for Change International


Whoa…those shots!
Jun 3, 2009
By: jsmith

Leo nakewenda kliniki = Today I went to the Doctor (Clinic) and got my shots for Africa.  My arm is sore = Mkono mlangu ni kidonda.

I received my Yellow Fever, Typhoid and Hepatitis A shots.  Tomorrow I have to get my malaria medicine = Kesho nakwenda pokea dawa da malaria.  Other than the malaria meds this isn’t something I have to do for every trip, but at least I have access to doctors and reliable meds.  You have no idea what a hospital in Africa looks like.  You ( and I) would never go there.

One of my main goals is to see that the hospital that is being built (in the region where we work)  is able to receive native Africans in a clean, antiseptic environment and give them a chance to survive.  My arm is sore ( I am a wimp,) but they have absolutely no alternative but to suffer and see what fate comes there way.  We can change this.  Let’s get this hospital built.  The President of Tanzania has visited the hospital site of which we are involved.  He sees that it will be something different from the  other hospitals.  If you would like an opportunity…please help us to make  a difference.  www.H4Cinternational.org

P.S. My arm is feeling better already

BTW.  The name of our Blog is MBELE, it means = moving forward in Swahili.  Is there any other way but forward that we can go?  Join us as we move!

James R. Smith


sandy and benjamin gm

Date: 3 Jun, 2009

a sore arm(ouch i know that hurts) is a small price; you are blessed in your comittment and for your efforts, grace and humor, we say bravo and thank you to you james. Ben and I remain humble and yet, enormously impressed and wanting to help in whatever way is most useful to you. Hope your arm is feeling better. How can we help? what do you need most in fulfilling your mission of love and hope? Let us help spread the word on your behalf.
