On May 7th I finally worked out all the ticket details and completed the purchase of my ticket to Africa leaving June 18th. I have tried (using my old and present passport) to figure out how many times I have made this trip from New York to the Kilimanjaro Airport and then to my beloved village of Sakila, Tanzana. It is either my 19th, 20th, or 21st time to be priviliged to begin my African journey in Sakila. All the details of the trip haven’t been worked out in regard to travel in Africa…….possible trip down to South Africa, and also Zimbabwe.
Once I purchase the tickets my life kicks into the “get ready for Africa gear” which is mostly good, but at times I still find myself stressing about things that, in the end, I know will work out. They always do. Thank God for a supportive and organized wife! There is no way on earth I could do this w/o her. Stay tuned. BTW, I think it’s trip 21.
James R. Smith